Category: Personal Care
Estimated Monthly Savings: $100 After a long day at work, nothing beats sitting back and relaxing with a glass of wine. And that rib eye steak tastes so much …
 Estimated Monthly Savings: $20 Are you looking for a way to pamper yourself without the high price tag? With the cooler weather upon us, many people are looking …
Estimated Monthly Savings: $15 For most of us, shaving is part of our daily routine. Forking over lots money for fancy disposable razor blade cartridges can seem like an …
Estimated Monthly Savings: $75 Many people are leaving traditional gyms for boutique gyms. They are finding that traditional gyms don’t offer the number or type of classes they are …
 Estimated Monthly Savings: $50 Hair color is expensive, especially for women with long hair or high-maintenance colors. Often a trip to the salon is more cause for stress …
 Estimated Monthly Savings: $70 Could you cut your own hair? Doing so could save you a lot of money. According to Square, a mobile transaction company, the average …
Estimated Monthly Savings: $150 Over the centuries, good skin has been one of the markers of beauty. You always see Hollywood stars in beauty shots where their skin looks …
Estimated Monthly Savings: $25 For many of us, coffee is more than a delicious splurge or guilty pleasure, it is a necessity. A requirement to function. The only thing …
Estimated Monthly Savings: $375 Everyone knows that they have certain extravagances which are unnecessary. Here are some possible questions you might need to ask yourself: Do you really have …
Estimated Monthly Savings: $45 Shaving is one of those things most of us do without a second thought. It’s just part of our routine, after all. Whether it’s in …