Save Money By Cancelling Subco

Subco is also known as

  • Subco

About Subco

Subco is, to put it as simply as possible, the mother to all of the magazines you see and buy online or in-store. Not as in, they own all of the magazines and started the whole business franchise for magazines. But more like they work with multiple retailers and big-name store brands to get the magazines on the shelves and to make them easily accessible online and digitally. When you order a subscription online and decide to cancel or if you have a question, chances are you will be sent back to them. They are a clearinghouse for all of your favorite types of magazines; whether it’s online and digital or in paperback print, they are working hard with popular brands and companies to make sure that the content you love stays easily available to you. There is not a lot of information on their site to go off of but really what more is there to talk about? They’ve been in the background for over 30 years making sure that we can enjoy our favorite magazines without frustration or obstacles. They are a great company, and even in the shadows they are making quite a difference, and I’m sure without them we would not know what to do. It isn’t something you would think about when picking out a magazine in the grocery store or finding one online but without Subco it might be a little bit more challenging to find what you were looking for. If you need to cancel a magazine subscription with Subco continue reading below.


Get together the following account information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Delivery Address
  • City
  • State/Province/Region
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • Country
  • Reason for Cancellation
  • Name of Magazine(s)


Follow these steps:

  1. Write an email and include your account information
  2. Ask the representative to cancel your account
  3. Send your email to [email protected]
  4. Keep your confirmation number or email as proof that you cancelled your account

Phone (Live Agent)

Follow these steps:

  1. Dial 1-800-258-3350
  2. Ask the representative to cancel your account
  3. Provide your account information when requested
  4. Ask the representative for a confirmation number or email
  5. Keep your confirmation number or email as proof that you cancelled your account


Address 1653 West Fallbrook Avenue 
Address 2Suite 101 
Zip/Postal Code93711-5503
CountryUntied States
Contact Information
Phone 1800-258-3350 
Email 1[email protected]
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