Estimated Monthly Savings: $115
Your little ones needs your full attention during their first year. With proper budget planning ahead of time there will be no need to spend time worrying about the added bills that come with parenthood. Here are a few ways to lower your monthly expenses, go green and keep yourself focused on spending quality time with your baby during their first year.
Breastfeeding – Save $60
Not everyone is able or interested in breastfeeding, but for those who are, it is one of the best gifts you can give to your child and it’s free. Some health benefits for babies include lowering their risk of developing asthma or allergies and providing antibodies that help babies fight off viruses. Nursing is better for the environment as well.  It saves the costs of producing and shipping formula. It will also save you $60 per month according to investopedia.
Used Clothing – Save $30
During the first year, babies outgrow their clothes every 2-3 months, which means that the used clothes at second hand stores are often as good as new and are extremely easy to find. The average parent spends $60 a month on clothing, but would save at least 50% by buying second hand. Â Hand-me-downs from the family and friends are usually free and it helps them clean out their closets. Â Buying used also reduces your carbon footprint and helps keep our world a little greener.
Cloth Diapers – Save $25
After the initial investment of $250 to purchase cloth diapers, the cost of laundering is negligible. In contrast, it costs an average of $550 per year to purchase disposable diapers. Cloth diapering is much easier than you might imagine. Cloth diapers are not leaky and come in a variety of colors and designs. It also saves space in the landfills.
Keeping your monthly expenses down and going green doesn’t have to be hard. It’s as simple as going to the second hand store instead of the big box retailer or spending that special time bonding with your child while nursing. Take the next step to go green, save some cash and feel good about the world you’ll be leaving to future generations.