Estimated Monthly Savings: $100
We all know the benefits of team sports. They are a great source of exercise, they build friendships, and they are one of the best ways to learn about teamwork and leadership. But if you have ever gone to sign your kids up for sports, you know that it can get spendy quick. Between the enrollment costs and the equipment, you’re left wondering if you can afford to put your kids in activities next year. Before you say no to next season’s sports, check out these money-saving tips.
Enroll Early
Many sports leagues offer a discount if you sign up before a certain date. After that date, the price can go up $20 or more. Research which sports your child wants to do and plan ahead. Know when you have to sign up by so you don’t end up wasting money. On the flip side, be sure to know when the last day is to withdraw and get a full refund. Sometimes kids change their minds and there is nothing you can do about it. Sports leagues know this, so most have some sort of refund policy in place. Don’t wait until it’s too late– most leagues require notification a couple weeks in advance of the first practice.
Buy Used
Sometimes the most expensive part of enrolling your child in sports is the cost of the equipment. Take baseball, for example, there’s shoes, socks, a bat, mit, balls, batting gloves, and you may even have to buy catching gear. That’s a lot of gear and the costs add up really quickly. You will see big savings if you buy your equipment used. This is especially smart if this is your first season playing the sport and you don’t know if your child will stick with it. Check out second-hand sports stores or local sale sites like Craigslist. Even better, you may have friends or family who have extra gear lying around that they would love to give you.
Buy in Bulk
You’re not the only one on the team who has to buy gear for their child and you’re likely not the only one looking to save a little money. Great deals can be found by buying in bulk. Check websites like Ebay or Amazon for bulk lots of gear and check with other parents on the team to see if they want to get in on the savings.