New Years Resolutions – Try a No-Spend Saturday!

Estimated Monthly Savings: $150

Many people make resolutions to save more money in the new year, but find it difficult to put into practice. It’s important to set a goal that is achievable and easy to see progress on.

One great example is the no-spend Saturday. Once a month, choose a Saturday where you won’t spend any money. If you’re the type of person who likes to go out to eat with family or friends, see movies, and go shopping on Saturdays, you could easily save $150 a month with the no-spend Saturday.

And you don’t have to stay locked in the house! These no-spending days are a great opportunity to do fun and free activities. Plan and cook a healthy dinner with your family, head to the park to get some fresh air, go for a run to help you get in shape, create craft masterpieces with your kids, or look for free fairs, festivals, or community activities in your town. You could even spend the day volunteering at an for a nonprofit – look for soup kitchens, park cleanups, animal shelters who need dog walkers, or donation centers who need donations sorted. Invite the people closest to you to get involved as well.

While participating in a monthly no-spend Saturday, you won’t just save be saving hundreds this year, you’ll be making time to bond with friends and family, meeting people in your community, and helping your neighbors. It’s solid proof that you don’t need to spend money to have fun, and you can make a positive change on your finances and the world around you this year.